What?! Did I Just Lock-Up My Hasselblad?!
Working fast to pack before heading up the coast to visit my dad. Packing clothes for my daughter, darkroom supplies for my dad. And packing my 500c/m (actually dad’s) with my newly purchased 50mm. From experience, the Hassy goes best into the box with the lens off. No problem, twist, buzz (buzz??????!!!!!), WHAT! The infamous…
More menus
As we saw in the last post, I was struggling to use the newer style GtkBuilder methods to start replacing bits of the application kludge3d. But my simple minded approach was giving me some grief: #include <gtk/gtk> int main(int argc, char **argv) { gtk_init(&argc,&argv); GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); GtkBuilder* builder = gtk_builder_new_from_file (“test.ui”); GtkWidget* menubar…
blank and sad film
So, I have a 400′ roll of colour film. Test strip comes out blank. Processed in known good B&W developer comes out blank (not even edge markings). Ok. I guess there is something wring with the film. Storage? (ebay purchase) Last try, take some out into the sunlight. Then pour fresh developer into the tray…
I’m a legend
Watching Spicks and Specks with the 6 year old: “How do you know all the answers?!” Good to know I still can impress here!
GTK+3.x and menus
So, having got kludge3d to the “starts, but doesn’t work” stage, I need to start implementing all the bits that got commented out along the way. For example, there are no menus because the method that was being used (GtkItemFactory) is deprecated (and so is a pain to compile) – time to move to the…
Porting to GTK+3
For a long time I’ve used kludge3d as the basis for a geometry editing front end to my DPS program. kludge3d is a GTK+2.x app using gtkglext for OpenGL access and I regularly used it under windows and Linux. Now, kludge3d hasn’t had much upstream development (last release 22/8/2004). That said, I’ve been able to…
My old Dell Inspiron 9300
A long time a ago, I bought a Dell Inspiron 9300 with a 1920×1200 screen. We are only just getting back to this sort of resolution being available again in 2015. Later, this went to my dad. Now, the CPU/GPU is not doing it for him in Photoshop anymore, so I guess my 6 year…
So, I bought a pile of 65mm negative film
I found a good deal on some 65mm film. Now what? My plan is to slit it down to make 220 film. I like my Hasselblad 500c/m and the E6 out of it is just amazing on the lighttable. So, how to cost effectively shoot more? Hence, the 65mm film. Since 120/220 is nominally 60mm…
WordPress: so crap is the iOS app
so, if I write a long post, or insert a picture, or something random…. No post published. Sure, short test messages work. Too frustrating.
Hot crossed buns
I have been making at least a few batches of hot crossed buns every year for many years. But Amelia turned out to be so sensitive to wheat that initially I couldn’t even cook wheat containing meals in the same kitchen. I tried making various wheat free versions. But now that we are wheat, egg,…