Category: Uncategorized

  • Time for biab

    After getting back into home brew, it’s time to have a crack at an all grain recipe. SMaSH and all that. Aiming for a pale ale. Something really simple because I just want to concentrate on doing it, not on technique. Very happy to have seen kits-and-bits make stuff way better than what I used…

  • That space where Christmas used to be

    Having gone away before twelfth night, and then straight back to school and work on our return, the decorations did rather tend to stay up a long while. Now, I just have an empty space in the living room.

  • Father’s Day BBQ Chicken

    Because it’s good. Too late to found a successful start up. A quiet beer while the BBQ gets up to temperature is the next best thing.

  • It’s been eighteen years and sixteen days.

    A well earned beer while the BBQ fires up. Waaaay too much gardening done. But then, I wanted a yard… The falcon seems to be accepting its new role of trophy car. It's not been the daily driver for six months now. Instead, a sort of project car, sadly lacking skills from me though. Given…

  • I don’t understand…

    …the rules, so I find it weird watching a bunch of seven year olds play minecraft in the park.

  • My girl is growing up

    When they are babies, what great models. But then what choice do they have? Now at nearly eight, Amelia is off playing with friends. Not posing. And not easy to get candids of at the park. I guess I'll have to turn to macro, or nature/landscaper now.

  • This is why you can’t depend on Sydney trains

    Sigh. No commuter car parking. Cancelled services, no information from staff. Missed appointments.  Having to factor in so much extra time. Yup, it’s still cheaper to drive and pay for parking once time and being stuffed around is taken into account. 

  • Sunny test

    Can the WordPress app upload a photo? Or is this dead to me? Xmlrpc fails again. Pretty much over this. 

  • Why did I buy a car with a sunroof?

    Yeah, secondhand mondeo. I like the car,  but a couple of late summer storms rapidly made me hate the leaking sunroof. Far out Ford, worse designs may exist, but it feels like you worked hard on this one.  The clue was here: But really, I know now that the stupid non return value probably…

  • Ah, falcon central locking

    Well. Today was the day to fit a new drivers door lock actuator. eBay gave me an after market part. Door lining off again. Mechanically an easy fit. But. Not. Working. Eventually, I worked out it was half phase out of sync mechanically/electrically. For me the way to solve it was to open the actuator…